WordPress Maintenance

Preventive maintenance as a confidence-building measure


Why do you need web maintenance?

There are many reasons to need WordPress maintenance; among them, we can highlight the following:

  • It keeps the information of your company and your clients safe.
    You can rescue the information in case of any eventuality and take the necessary actions to prevent possible attacks.
  • Ensures that the user experience is optimal
    It is of little use to have a page very worked once if, with time, the data and the functionalities become outdated, and the user’s experience is not optimal.

How does it benefit you?

The benefits they have are numerous, but we could focus on 3 being the most important:

  • Peace of mind: The feeling comes from knowing that your business website is working well.
  • Time-saving: it allows you to do other things that are probably more important for your business.
  • Saving money: In web maintenance, it is true that prevention is better than cure.


Plans and pricing

Basic plan
✔️Regular updates
✔️Improving performance
✔️Web monitoring
✔️Disaster recovery
✔️Monthly spam cleaning
✔️Email support
✔️1h of support
✔️No permanence
Advanced plan

Regular updates
✔️Improving performance
✔️Web monitoring
✔️Disaster recovery
✔️Weekly spam cleaning
✔️Email support
✔️3h of support

✔️Monthly database optimization
✔️Content Audit

✔️No permanence

Some of the techniques I use.

WordPress maintenance

Regular updates

Backups for your websites.


Improving performance

Improving performance

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery

Spam cleaning

Spam cleaning

email support

Email support

What does the WordPress web maintenance service consist of?

We can have the most beautiful website in the world, the biggest or the most powerful, but if inside it is a disaster drawer, it will not be worth anything.
So today I want to tell you what are the tasks of the WordPress web maintenance service that I use and what are its benefits


  1. Updating WordPress
    We must perform its corresponding backup to avoid future headaches.
  2. Updating the template
    It is important to keep the template up to date since developers usually adapt them to the new versions of the system.
  3. Review of the correct functioning of the web
    Often, the webs give small failures, and we do not even realize it. Forms that do not work, buttons that lead to 404 errors, and an endless number of things we can find.
  4. Website backups
    As in every point I have mentioned, it is interesting to make recurring backups to avoid problems with the website.
  5. Monitoring the loading speed
    It is very important that the web page always loads fast so that the web page will rank better.
  6. Technical support

Answers to Your Questions

Throughout all this time working in the world of marketing, I have been finding a number of questions, and that’s why I decided to make this FAQ, also if you have any questions or want to ask me something, I’m available 24/7 just fill out the form.

How do you manage to improve the speed and optimization of the websites?

We optimize and clean your database and apply professional optimizations to your site.

How long does it take you to give me the service once contracted?

Once I receive the payment for the plan you choose, with all the information I request when hiring, in a maximum of 48/72 hours, I will start the service with you.

What updates are included in the maintenance plans?

We do secure and scheduled updates of WordPress, the theme, and plugins (if licensed). We always check that everything will work after upgrading.

Is there a long-term contract?

No long-term contracts. You can pay automatically month to month with recurring billing.

Let's maintenance!

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